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Record Van Buren Revitalization Changes

This landscape is changing because of conservation & revitalization work taking place here. Please help us by taking a photo to record our ongoing revitalization efforts.

The view from each of our various stationary camera sites vary from the International Bridge, the Boat Landing Underpass, the new Grant Street Park & Community Garden as well as our new Main Street Park.


  1. Place your smartphone on the post with the camera pointing in the direction of the arrow.
  2. Click the "Take a Photo" button at the bottom of this form and your phone camera should open.
  3. Take a photograph, try to make sure that nobody is in the image.
  4. Once you are happy with the image click "Use Photo" or "Ok" depending on your phone.
  5. Click the "Submit" button on the form.

Thank you for submitting your photo. You are helping the Town of Van Buren to record our vibrant revitalization upgrades to our downtown!

Please note that when you submit a photo, we will not credit the photographer. However, your image will contain the meta-data of the image to include your phone number. We will not use this information or release it publicly at any time.

We may use these photos on our website and social media, and in press releases, printed reports, noticeboards, or in any other productions/publications where we may wish to use the materials for marketing, publicity or educational use in electronic, web or paper-based medium. The photos will be used solely for the promotion or benefit of the Town of Van Buren and our revitalization efforts. They may be released for use by external organizations in accordance with this purpose. If the image appears on social media, its subsequent reproduction may be outside of our control. Please don’t include people in the photo.

For more information about the project please visit our website and our Facebook pages: Town of Van Buren, Van Buren Revitalization Association.